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nba 2k17 mycareer guide:best jumpshot

Date: 9/18/2016 11:48:50 AM

in nba, shooting mode and release timing nowadays can affect the temple and results of the match. nba’s stephen curry makes excellent jumpshots and has very quick release timing, which makes all the nba’s defensive players struggle in figuring out his offense. here we’d like to share tips on the best jumpshot and on improving field goal percentage in nba 2k17 mycareer mode.

nba 2k17 best jumpshot

three-coin shot and release timing tip

jump shot: release 70

it is easy to do a release 70 jumpshot. it doesn’t take many preparation or fancy moves, no matter with catch and shoot or fixed coin shoot. simple jumping and shooting moves and quick release timing allow us to play like stephen curry in the game, making the defensive players fail to find out the exact frequency so that we can score. 

mid-range jumpshot tip

jump shot: m.jordan

jump shot: release 22

release 22 is mainly about starting your shot high and quick release timing, causing the defensive players fail to block shots.

when it comes to m.jordan, one need to stabilize the shot and improve the goal percentage. however, there is a downside. it requires a tall player. if a player with a height of less than 193 cm chooses m.jordan jumpshot in the game, his shots will be easily blocked.


whether in the mt, mc or mg modes in the game, we choose the shooting mode for the sake of better performances and more coins. but the final results reply more on the player’s shooting stats. with the same shooting mode and jumpshot, a player with good stats definitely does better to grasp the opportunity than player with less good stats. therefore, top players and high rated stats are always the best choices. is ready to help nba 2k17 mt players build a dream team. if you need nba 2k17 mt coins, you can use the coupon code “2k17” for 5% off.

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