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nba 2k17 guide: how to throw alley-oops

Date: 9/19/2016 10:16:52 AM

how to throw alley-oops?here will teach you how to throw alley-oops in nba 2k17 in the match. last year required a more complex method, but this year only requires a double-tap of the same face button for alley-oops.

how to throw alley-oops

one of the new changes in nba 2k17 is the way you execute an alley-oop. anyone who has played the nba 2k series a lot over the last few years knows that this play is one that could be spammed in the past, but recent changes to the mechanics have helped to balance the mildly risky but thrilling play in the game.

it’s not hard for you to throw a nice alley-ooy. here is the control guide.

if you’re on xb1, you can double-tap the y button. users on the PS 4 can double-tap the triangle button to throw alley-oops.

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