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NBA 2K21 Current Gen & Next Gen Best Jumpshot - Top 5 Best Jumpshot & Shooting Tips For Every Build On 2K21

Date: 2/18/2021 11:28:06 AM

In spite of the fact that there are different positions in NBA 2K21. Are you struggling with looking for the best jumpshot for center, power forward, small forward, shooting guard, and point guard the whole time? We showcase you the best jumpshot work on both NBA 2K21 Next Gen and Current Gen, also shooting tips on best takeovers and best way to get badges that will help you become a better shooter.


NBA 2K21 Current Gen & Next Gen Best Jumpshot - Top 5 Best Jumpshot & Shooting Tips For Every Build On 2K21

Jumpshot 98, Stephen Curry, and Dwyane Wade is top 3 best game in 2k21. Here at we collected 5 best NBA 2K21 current gen and next gen jumpshots for every build, no matter what your positions are, a PG, SG, SF, PF, or C. Three of jump shots are mainly for guards, two of them are for shooting centers or taller builds. Master those insane NBA 2k21 jumpshots to become a better shooter.

Best NBA 2K21 Next Gen & Current Gen Jumpshot 1

This NBA 2K21 best jumpshot especially works for a six foot seven or six foot eight on both next gen and current gen consoles, which is the smallest height for a small forward. As far as we know on NBA 2K21 next gen, power forwards is somehow considered as guards. If you are a small center, fully recommended 100% release speed, animation blending is 70% Rudy Gay and 30% Kobe Bryant.

Base: Jump Shot 98

Release 1: Rudy Gay

Release 2: Kobe Bryant

Release Speed: 100%

Animation Blending: 70% Rudy Gay/30% Kobe Bryant

Best NBA 2K21 Next Gen & Current Gen Jumpshot 2

This overpowered jumpshot that created by CHAD DF. The base is what matters most for your timing, release are your hands open in the air and will change your jump shot q. Rudy Gay, one of the best and easiest releases to pick up jump shot q.

Base: Dwayne Wade

Release 1: Rudy Gay

Release 2: Zach LaVine

Release Speed: 100%

Animation Blending: 40% Rudy Gay/60% Zach LaVine

Best NBA 2K21 Next Gen & Current Gen Jumpshot 3

This Stephen Curry 2k21 NBA jumpshot was created by DOUBLEH DF. Stephen Curry is one of the best bases in games, particularly for guards. Both Release 1 and release 2 are Dwyane Wade, then fully maxed release speed. Animation blending doesn’t matter because both releases are Wade. 

Base: Stephen Curry

Release 1: Dwyane Wade

Release 2: Dwyane Wade

Release Speed: 100%

Animation Blending: 100% Dwyane Wade/0% Dwyane Wade

Best NBA 2K21 Next Gen & Current Gen Jumpshot 4

This is NBA 2K21 best jumpshot for center created by one of the greatest park players POWER DF. This jumpshot is unique from others. For base used the best jump shot 38, release 1 LaMarcus Aldridge, and release 2 Rudy Gay. Release speed is 75% instead of fully maxed.

Base: Jump Shot 38

Release 1: LaMarcus Aldridge

Release 2: Rudy Gay

Release Speed: 75%

Animation Blending: 40% LaMarcus Aldridge/60% Rudy Gay

Best NBA 2K21 Next Gen & Current Gen Jumpshot 5

This is NBA 2K21 best center jumpshot build by SCREENS DF, you can easy to pick up on when to release your jumpshot. You can slow down your release speed if 100% is too fast for you. 

Base: Dwayne Wade

Release 1: Kobe Bryant 

Release 2: Release 15

Release Speed: 100%

Animation Blending: 40% LaMarcus Aldridge/60% Rudy Gay

NBA 2K21 Shooting Tips -  What Are The Best Takeovers

Not only you will have 2 takeovers this year in NBA 2K21, but also you can change your takeovers after maximizing all your badges. As is often the case, spot-up precision is the best takeovers for shooting that provides a significant boost to well-timed or aimed stationary jump shots. The limitless range is a good shooting takeover that helps you extend your range and shoots from way back. To create shots, set back, spin shots and anklebreaking shots are also perfect takeovers. Overall, if you are a shooting center and want to troll or shoot some crazy fades from way back, choose pull-up precision as a primary takeover, limitless range as a secondary takeover. 

NBA 2K21 Shooting Tips - How To Get Shooting Badges Fast

Warehouse Challenge is one of the best and fastest methods to get badges, Mypoints and VC in NBA 2K21. To active the 2K21 warehouse challenges, you need to find 8 non-player characters (Jerome Jeremiahson, Grace Goldstein, Allison Maldini, Gerrard Kenny, Billy Dunn, Hannah Silva, Ava Mao, and Jake Farrel) on the map, the non-player characters have an exclamation point over their head, talk to the character and then you can unlock 3 games from each of them, so a total of 24 warehouse challenges are available. Read More (

NBA 2K21 Warehouse Challenge - How To Complete 2K21 Warehouse Challenge & Locate NPC



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These are the best jump shot and shooting tips that work for NBA 2K21 next gen and current gen. Fast to get cheap NBA 2K21 MT at at the fast delivery.

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